International Conference on Epidemiology Evidence Based Medicine and Cochrane Systematic Review Workshop

International Conference on Epidemiology Evidence Based Medicine

This international conference was held on December 1-2, 2017 in Yogyakarta, which was the 8th conference after a previous one in 2014 titled "Collaboration between Academia and Industry for Scaling up Research on Ethical-Based in Indonesia". Focusing on the topic of "The Role of ICE-EBM in Health Policy", this conference was attended by no less than 200 participants last year. The invited speakers were Prof. Dr. dr. Sudigdo Sastroasmoro, Sp.A (K) from the Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia; Prof. Dr. dr. Siti Setiati, Sp.PD (K-Ger), MEpid, FINASIM from University of Indonesia (UI); Prof. dr. Iwan Dwiprahasto, MmedSc, PhD and Prof. dr. Mohammad Hakimi, PhD, Sp.OG (K) from Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Prof. Dr. Jeff Van Den Ende from the Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, and Cochrane Australia.

International Conference on Epidemiology Evidence Based Medicine
International Conference on Epidemiology Evidence Based Medicine

During this conference, a plenary session on Cochrane Systematic Review was held. In the session, Steve McDonald delivered a lecture titled “Cochrane and Living Evidence Synthesis” and Detty Nurdiati talked about “Cochrane in Indonesia”. In addition, we also had Webinar session with Prof Sally Green and Shauna Hurley titled “Informed decisions: Translating research into better health outcomes” and “Knowledge translation key audiences and effective approaches to disseminating evidence”, respectively.

Cochrane Systematic Workshop

A Cochrane Systematic Review workshop had been conducted prior to this conference on November 28 – 30 2017 at the Phoenix Hotel, Yogyakarta. This workshop was attended by dozens of participants from all over Indonesia. Materials were presented by Steve McDonald from Cochrane Australia, who collaborated with facilitators from both CE & BU UGM and CE-EBM UI. Lectures were followed by small group discussions to further deepen the understanding of all the participants and to let them elaborate their idea to develop their own protocols.